Thursday, December 10, 2009
Understanding Sarah Palin's History & Claims
Sarah Palin was given the position of "Public Officer" on the AOGCC in February of 2003. Her office was that of a commissioner, but she was the "Ethics Supervisor". She held that office until she quit on January 23, 2004, so she did not even last a full year on the job.
For a good explanation of what she did while on the job, the Anchorage Daily News did an article on 11/19/2004 (it was later reprinted) titled:
Palin explains her actions in Ruedrich case
One excerpt from the article is as follows:
It was a far cry from the job she expected in February 2003 when she became the "public member" of the AOGCC -- the seat reserved under Alaska law for a nontechnical commissioner. Murkowski appointed Ruedrich as the petroleum engineer commissioner, while Dan Seamount, a holdover from the Knowles administration with experience in the coal bed methane industry of the Rocky Mountain West, was the geologist commissioner.
The commission and its 21 staff members usually labor in obscurity unless they are responding to a serious oil-well accident or violation. Founded in territorial days and modeled after commissions in other oil states, the AOGCC is a regulatory board charged with protecting public resources when oil or gas is developed.
The AOGCC has three basic functions: to ensure that producing oil and gas fields achieve maximum recovery; to ensure that wells are safely constructed and operated; and to protect groundwater when oil and gas wells pass through aquifers or when drilling wastes are legally disposed underground.
The commission's structure has been relatively unchanged since 1978, when it was split from the Department of Natural Resources at the start of Prudhoe Bay production to insulate it from the pressures of the agency that's supposed to promote development, according to the AOGCC's official history.
It also goes on to state that;
But though she carried the title "ethics supervisor" over the AOGCC and chaired the commission, she said she had little authority over the other two commissioners, who serve six-year terms and can only be fired for cause.
So I am truly curious how she, or anyone can claim that her time on the Commission somehow gives her experience on "energy", considering the article seems to imply that she spent most of her time dealing with ethical issues that had nothing to do with "energy", but with the ethical lapses of Randy Ruedrich, and trying to get that dealt with, not to mention the fact that she did not even stay in the job for a full year.
This is just but one example of how a title seems to be used to give credence to a claim that has no merit behind it.
Another is the statement that Sarah Palin was former Chairperson of the Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission.
She served in that position for one year. Based on the bylaws:
Article IVOfficers
Section 1. The officers of the Commission are a chairman, a vice-chairman and a second vice-chairman. The chairman must be a Member State governor and the vice chairman and second vice chairmen must be official representatives designated pursuant to Article I, Section 2 of these by-laws. A Chairman-elect for a following year may be designated. All officers shall be elected at each Midyear Meeting to take office during the next Annual Meeting and shall serve until their successors have been elected and assume office. The Nominating Committee shall determine the list of candidates for the elective office and submit all names for the offices to the Commission at the earliest possible time.
Section 2. In the event a vacancy exists in the chairmanship after the election of a chairman-elect at the Midyear Meeting, and before the succeeding Annual Meeting, the chairman-elect shall assume the office of chairman for the remainder of the predecessor's term. Should a vacancy occur after the Annual Meeting, the chairman-elect for the following year shall become chairman. If the offices of vice-chairman, second vice-chairman, vice-chairman-elect or second vice-chairman-elect become vacant, the Commission shall elect a successor at the next regular or other meeting. The Nominating Committee shall submit nominees to the respective governors, official state representatives and alternates at the earliest possible time.
Section 3. An officer shall preside at all meetings, and otherwise perform the duties customarily performed by the chairman of a deliberative body.
Article #4 of Bylaws
The Commission itself has a new chairperson every year, with Gov. Rick Perry being the 2010 Chairperson. The list of past & present Chairman is available here.
So again, another title used to bolster credentials that she does not seem to merit having as there is no known history showing she has every taken part in learning about the ins and outs of the Oil & Gas Industry, or about "Energy" either. Her past knowledge seems to stem from living in a state where Oil & Gas is a large part of their income, but does she have any depth of knowledge on the subject? Titles are one thing, but Mike Huckabee was Chair of the IOGCC as well, and so was AK Gov. Tony Knowles, who was Chairman of the IOGCC for two years in a row, and I have not heard either of them being touted as "Energy Experts".
It does provide some food for thought as to the true qualifications she claims to have vs what she actually has for qualifications based on something more than simply a title.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sarah Palin "Birther" as well as "Bitter Quitter"
You know what a birther is don't you?
One of those folks, like Orly Taitz, who suggests that President Obama was not born in the United States, and by default is unable to be elected President. They demand to see his birth certificate, even though it has been repeatedly proven that he has in fact shown his birth certificate, doing so in fact as late as June of this year to once again put to rest the rumors that he was not born in this country.
Sarah was interviewed on Rusty Humphries radio show and this is what was said:
"Would you make the birth certificate an issue if you ran?" she was asked
(around 9 minutes into the video above).
"I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue. I don't have a problem with that. I don't know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers," she replied.
"Do you think it's a fair question to be looking at?" Humphries persisted.
"I think it's a fair question, just like I think past association and past voting records -- all of that is fair game," Palin said. "The McCain-Palin campaign didn't do a good
enough job in that area."
Politico Story & Link to Video
I bolded the important part of the comment she made for a reason.
Today, Sarah is backtracking on her statement. On her facebook posting in response to the media latching onto her comments and calling her a "birther", she has replied with this:
Stupid Conspiracies
Yesterday at 10:16pm
Voters have every right to ask candidates for information if they so choose. I’ve pointed out that it was seemingly fair game during the 2008 election for many on the left to badger my doctor and lawyer for proof that Trig is in fact my child. Conspiracy-minded reporters and voters had a right to ask... which they have repeatedly. But at no point – not during the campaign, and not during recent interviews – have I asked the president to produce his birth certificate or suggested that he was not born in the United States.- Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin Facebook
Do you notice the disconnect? Her fans don't. Here is what the fans at Conservatives 4 Palin have written in response to this latest "foot in mouth" event from Sarah their beloved:
Regarding the Latest "Controversy"
By Daniel Terrapin
Predictably, Governor Palin's opponents continue to intentionally distort her words in order to harm her politically. This time they wish to cast her as a "birther" in the hopes of portraying her as extreme, racist, or someone who is easily caught up in strange conspiracy theories. It should serve as no surprise that they are wrong again.While on the Rusty Humphries show, Governor Palin was asked if she would make the "birth certificate an issue" if she ran for President. She replied that it wouldn't be necessary to make it an issue because the electorate can do so if they choose. Governor Palin didn't suggest that the President wasn't born here. She simply said that the electorate can ask whatever they want of a candidate, as some did with Trig. She's not going to second guess the electorate's right to ask questions.By comparing it to Trig Trutherism, Governor Palin hinted at how seriously she takes the "birth certificate issue" regardless of whether it is fair game or not. However, this won't stop some from seizing any opportunity to attack Governor Palin.As her opponents continue to make things up, we'll continue to set the record straight.
C4P Misrepresenting what was said in order to defend Sarah
It is important to point out that there is a serious flaw in the reasoning going on here. First and foremost, Sarah did not state she did not believe in the "birther" issue as she is claiming now. She said she didn't know if she would have to bother making it an issue & the public is rightfully making it an issue.
That is not the same thing as saying she doesn't believe it is an issue, or as some in the C4P land of alternate reality suggest that she is putting in the same catagory as the "trig truther" issue. In fact she claims she did provide evidence that Trig is her son, so she has opened the door for those who suggest he is not her son, for she has not offered proof of anything except her word that Trig is indeed her natural child. Sarah stated quite clearly that the "public is still rightfully making it an issue", which says she believes it is an issue, and that the public is right to bring it to everyones attention. Really Sarah?
She backtracks on her facebook page and claims that it is only conspiracy minded reporters and people who are questioning this issue, but that isn't what she said at the time. Me thinks someone within her camp slapped her upside the head and told her that she should never have gone that far in her statements and now she is yet again being forced to backtrack on something she said. Her fans will continue to twist things in order to defend her, that is no surprise whatsoever, as I have said repeatedly they worship the ground she walks on and in their eyes she can do no wrong, she makes no is only everyone else who misunderstands her and misrepresents what she is saying, even though you show what she said, and offer it with no edits, she has still been misunderstood in their viewpoint if it happens to show her in a bad light!
Sarah brought this upon herself and it shows us why indeed the McCain staffers sought to keep her from speaking to reporters whenever she felt like as it is obvious she will blurt out her true feelings on matters and that would leave a great many more people questioning her sanity.
It is also important to point out that Sarah as now admitted that she thinks past associations and voting records are fair game as well.
This from the woman who wanted McCain staffers to lie about her husbands involvement in the AIP and her close association with its members, its goals and ideals.
Sarah you have opened a door that will now bring you more headaches than you can imagine and I am looking forward to more claims of the victim status from you as it should be more entertaining than I can put into words.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Responding to Sarah's Comments at College of the Ozarks
She absolutely deserves an award for “spreading it”. No one can “spread it” like Sarah!
Sarah Palin says she shares College of the Ozarks values- faith, hope and hard work.
Hahahahahahaha…Sarah & Hard work in the same sentence, stop it you’re killin’ me!!
C of O's Jerry Davis(president): "If all you know about Sarah Palin is what the so-called mainstream media has to say, you've got a lot to learn."
Boy you aren’t kidding. The main stream media hasn’t reported even half of the issues surrounding Sarah Palin. If you knew the truth about her it would be enough to run screaming for the door, curl your hair & your toes all at the same time. Her history is frightenly full of problems which have gone unreported or uninvestigated!
Jerry Davis just introduced Sarah Palin saying : "She has her hand on the heart beat of America,"
Actually Jerry, she has her hand out and reaching for the wallet of American’s. She only connects with people who are filled with fear and hate.
Palin says College of the Ozarks debt-free education should be model for the nation.
So Sarah are you suggesting that all colleges be free of tuition and just ask the kids to work xx amount of hours per week in exchange for tuition?
Sarah Palin says on College of the Ozarks: "Students here understand the meaning of work ethic and patriotism."
What a shame Sarah doesn’t understand work ethic & patriotism. Her idea of work ethic is pay someone else to do the work for her, and if she doesn’t like it or can’t take the heat from something she’ll quit faster than her husband can fly across the snow in his heavily sponsored snow machine.
Sarah says: working through college without loans "no big deal".
Sure they are “no big deal” if you are doing a community college and are planning on taking your time getting through college, and are able to find a job to not only pay your college bills but also pay enough to allow you to live while going through college.
Palin says never thought taking 5 yrs to get a 4-yr degree would be an issue until the "lame-stream" media took issue with it.
It may not have been an issue if you didn’t use that “degree” to attempt to bolster your supposed credentials for why you were more qualified than most to be given the VP slot.
Sarah says: I grew up with values in a town FAR from DC & Wall Street
Obviously since you grew up in small town east bumfuck Alaska, that would be quite a way aways from D.C & Wall Street.
Sarah says: Her experience of paying her way through is how college students should do today.
Wait, didn't you just suggest that college should be like the College of the Ozarks which would mean that there is no tuition? Do you even have a clue as to what you are saying?
Sarah says: "on my path I always prayed for guidance" "God works in such interesting ways"
Looks like he slammed that door to the presidency shut on you! Good for him!
Palin:"Despite what the media wants to..spin about my record...I will keep calling it as I see it."
The only spin on your record is coming from you. The media hasn’t been as tough on you as you would like everyone to believe. They have not dug into your actual record otherwise you would not be getting paid to give speechs like this one nor would you have gotten a million plus dollars to write a book!
SP: 'As ur spine is stiffened, the spines of others will be stiffened.'
You aren’t interested in “stiffening spines”, especially not among the male population, otherwise you would not use your looks & your sexuality the way you do in order to gain attention. But since that is the one thing you actually do have going for you, I guess you are going to use it & pay to keep it looking good for as long as you can just like most who rely on their looks to get by would do.
Palin is talking about work ethic & pushing one's self to better their lives. "I don't believe in coincidences," she said.
You don’t have a work ethic! If you did you wouldn’t have quit all those jobs. The only thing you have done to better your life is ask people to pay your way for you and that isn’t exactly doing it on your own, because if you didn’t have all those fools sending you money hand over fist, you’d still be just dumb ole’ Sarah from Wasilla. Sarah cites journalism degree: "
So much has changed in the world of journalism since then...Holy Moly!"
You are right about that. There is less true investigative journalism going on now then there used to be, but then again that works to your benefit. Of course we know that you don’t have even a basic grasp of what things mean since you have stated that the press questioning you on things you have said or on your record somehow in your world equates to stifling your free speech
Palin - Speaking of going rogue & her days of fishing, she states they noticed "Only dead fish go w/ the flow"
Not true…lot’s of things “go with the flow”. It isn’t only dead fish that do that.
Sarah says: During her time on city council, Palin said she refused to go along with the flow of town elders. "I kind of went rogue, even back then.
"What you really mean is that you wanted things done your way. You have always been a “it’s my way or the highway” kinda gal haven’t you? Now we have you admitting it.
Sarah Palin - Highlighting the importance of starting in politics @ the local level & how it shaped her political views today.
Your politics were shaped by corrupt people in your local government and you became one of them.
Sarah Palin:Calls self mix of federalist, Jeffersonian.
Sarah, can you actually tell anyone what that means or are you simply using more buzz words that you don’t understand (like usual)
Sarah says "everyone is fighting a battle, mine just happen to be on the front page of the paper"
Perhaps your battles that are being played out in the headlines are done so in large part because you want it that way. You love seeing your name in the news. You are after all the one who has People magazine on speed dial right?
Sarah calls veep nod "honor of a lifetime" she doesn't regret but outlining sacrifices she had to make.
You did not make any sacrifices, your family did so all because of your ego in thinking you were even remotely ready or qualified to be the VP.
Sarah says: "it was interesting to see the media spin my life"
It was even more interesting to see YOU spin your life.
Palin highlights the importance of politicians not losing their touch w/ local folks who actually put them there in the 1st place!
You mean like how you promised ethics reform and failed to deliver even though it was the people who elected you holding you accountable and you spent your time putting them down, calling them names and generally belittling them? Or how you did nothing for the people in the villages when they were asking for months for help because they were making the choice between feeding their families or keeping them warm? Or how you ignored the Medicaid/Medicare problem and people died, nearly 300 of them while you were Governor? You mean not losing touch with those kind of people?
Palin now on 4th mention of media, says "media isn't fond of common sense conservative values." But adds she's not whining.
Sarah, when you constantly complain about the media, and blame them for all your woes, and then have to tell people that you aren’t whining….YOU’RE WHINING!
"I thought the worst skeleton in my closet was a D in macroeconomics"
I think you mean that you wished that was the worst skeleton that was in your closet!
Palin also says during the campaign, "the media did spin" her lifestory into "something unrecognizable." Can't imagine why media is barred.
Well, we know that the truth is unrecognizable to you so that shouldn’t be a shocker to anyone that you feel that way!
SP: much media coverage 'waste of ink.'
In your opinion, it is a waste of ink unless they are writing the lies you want told, otherwise if they happen to print the truth which isn’t what you want told then naturally you feel it was a waste of ink.
Sarah says: "so much has changed for me after the election"
The real you was shown to everyone and when you returned to Alaska you had an over inflated ego and a huge chip on your shoulder along with a bloated sense of self worth which in turn caused you to think that everyone else should be doing things your way rather than working together to effect positive changes (as you say)
Sarah says: "new partisan politics caused governing of Alaska to a halt" "I wanted to serve the people of Alaska not cost them"
If you didn’t want to play partisan politics then why did you? If you didn’t want to cost the people of Alaska, then why were you charging them to live in your own house and not the Governor’s mansion? Why were you charging them to fly your kids all over hell and creation for reasons that had NOTHING to do with state business?
Sarah says: she returned home from campaign trail to new political rivals, bringing Alaska gov't to a "grinding halt."
Typical Sarah, blame everyone else.
Sarah says: ethics chgs were 'game being played.
'Wait, weren’t you the one who changed the ethics laws because you didn’t like the fact that you could not tell people publicly about ethics charges when you brought them against Randy R? Seems you didn’t like them being made public when they were against you but when it was you bringing them against someone else you wanted them to be made public!
Sarah is getting to why she quit: "We spent about 80% of our time fending off frivilous lawsuits."
Sarah says: "you don't need a title to affect positive change"
If you don’t need a title then why do you insist on one? You cling to it like a little child clinging to a favored blanket that keeps the monsters at bay.
Palin says she prayed about how to stop "the hurt and paralysis" in her state. "Calling the audible has worked for my state," she says.
You should have listened more closely. God was telling you to stop behaving unethically and to work with people instead of demanding your own way all the time. I guess the right of the cash drawer drowned out that conversation God was trying to have with you.
On resigning: God has 'so blessed that decision.'
You worship the almighty dollar now, not God Almighty and you have proven it time and again since you QUIT .
"my dad said she's not retiring, she's reloading"
It doesn’t seem like your dad was able to teach you much more than how to shoot blame around at everyone in sight and to lie better than a dead fish that has been washed up on the shore, so I wouldn’t take anything he says for gospel.
says she resigned "with no scandals running me out of office, despite what the media desperately wanted to find.
"No, no scandals, …ummm, well except the fact that people were dying on your watch, you had illegally accepted donations for yourself and your family to pay for whatever you felt like, and the fact that a bi-partisan legislative investigation found you guilty of abusing your powers, plus a lawsuit that charges bribery and breaking the laws of the state of Alaska …just to name a few…so no nothing to see here folks!
"we face tremendous challenges but history shows we come out stronger"
No thanks to people like you who would turn this country on its head and send up back to the dark ages!
Sarah says US at crossrds in 'economic, military n values oriented battles.'
No we are not at a crossroads. We need to work on bringing this country away from the edge of the abyss that Bush left it in.
"[WW2 vets] are Americans and we need to hear from them"
Are you suggesting that anyone is trying to silence them?
"this country was founded on free market principles but some in Washington are questioning"
Some in government are rightly questioning the greed that has taken place in the free market like Health Care. Insurance companies are those “death panels” you have spoken of, and they are freely willing to put their bottom line above the health and well being of anyone out there. We have industry insiders who have already admitted to this practice.
"we got here because of government interference in the first place"
You mean like government getting involved in abortion and things like that? Or are you okay with government involvement as long as you agree with it?
now turning to issues, says "misplaced government interference" caused economic crisis, "not our free-market principles."
You obviously don’t know what you are talking about so why don’t you take a class or twenty and get yourself up to speed on what is going on in the world around you. You know there is more to life than Wasilla AK, and no it is NOT a microcosm of America.
" when we're in a hole (financially), you stop digging"
You more than anyone else needs to heed this advice!
Palin says WWII vets of the Greatest Generation don't "apologize for being Americans"-- a shot at Obama.
No one has ever apologized for being an American. Get the facts before you start spouting off.
"Things crashed...darnit... in the midst of our campaign." "John McCain and I placed 2nd out of 2."
"oh how I wish our elected leaders would have studied at hard work university" #CofO motto
You being the number one former elected official who could have used this advice!
says it's beyond ridiculous to complain about last administration's spending when Obama has spent 4 times more."
It is beyond ridiculous for you to pretend you even know what you are talking about.
"don't saddle our children with debt"
No one wants to do this. Grow up and get some new talking points, these really are getting old and lame, almost as old and as lame as this speech!
Palin is now throwing a little anti-gov't red meat: "This debt, to me, is generational theft."
Well since her husband has been a member of an anti-government group for years on end, and she has shown a preference towards that kind of group, it really isn’t too surprising that she would throw a little red meat to these groups. It is what she does. That and play the victim violin for all its worth!
Sarah, why don't you ask the Alaskan natives what they think "generational theft" means.
"learn to help your neighbor and youself"
When have you EVER helped “your neighbors”? You are all about helping yourself and you know it. Give me money for this, give me money for that, pay me to live in my own home, pay me to take my kids all over whenever I feel like it, want a photo with me? It’s gonna cost you!
says America needs to return to its "pioneering values" ... "They are needed now more than ever."
Yes, because the old west is really the ideal lifestyle that we need to return to! NOT!
"I believe government was never meant to take care of us" "when it does, it ends up robbing us"
This from the woman who was the Governor of the State who needed the most help from the federal government, and who regularly sought earmarks for her town and state from the government.
"I want Americans to learn accurate history in school"
What are they learning that isn’t accurate? Please expand on this notion.
"I see leaders questioning our goodness" "leadership in DC feel the need to apologize"
We need to be questioned, we should not walk around with an ego like yours. This is a world with more than just us in it and we need to work together with these people and NOT act like we are the end all be all to greatness. And if we are wrong about something we damned well should apologise for it. It shows we can admit to mistakes. No one is perfect and we as a country certainly aren't.
redchatter People in upper deck openly talking during SP speech.
Really is that any surprise? This is just a reworked, warmed over rehash of what she said in her book and it is basically the exact same things she has been saying all over, every time she gives a speech. People are bored, no one wants to hear the exact same thing all the time but that is all she’s got to give.
Tweets From Sarah Palin's Speech to the "College of the Ozarks"
redchatter Presentation of awards, then SP speaks.
auctnr1 Palin's speech may be a moot point after the rest of the program - it's been great regardless of how her remarks go - Kudos to C of O
redchatter Time for Palin intro.
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA shares #CofO's values- faith, hope and hard work.
ChadLivengoodC of O's Jerry Davis: "If all you know about Sarah Palin is what the so-called mainstream media has to say, you've got a lot to learn."
ChadLivengood - My view from the nosebleed section
ChadLivengood Jerry Davis just introduced @SarahPalinUSA: "She has her hand on the heart beat of America," he said
davecatanese Palin speaking now... "Davis is such a hoot." Mentions FOX News appearance. Cheers. "I knew he was gonna go rogue," Palin adds
davecatanese Palin says College of the Ozarks debt-free education should be model for the nation.
ChadLivengood @SarahPalinUSA on College of the Ozarks: "Students here understand the meaning of work ethic and patriotism."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA working through college without loans "no big deal".
durbinmj - @SarahPalinUSA speaks at College of the Ozarks
davecatanese Palin says never thought taking 5 yrs to get a 4-yr degree would be an issue until the "lame-stream" media took issue with it.
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA I grew up with values in a town FAR from DC & Wall Street
shaneschoeller Her experience of paying her way through is how college students should do today.
shaneschoeller Palin is talking about how she worked through college @ Univ. of Idaho. Took her 5 yrs instead of 4
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "God has amazing things with me because I put myself in Gus hands"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "on my path I always prayed for guidance" "God works in such interesting ways"
davecatanese Palin:"Despite what the media wants to..spin about my record...I will keep calling it as I see it."
redchatter SP: 'As ur spine is stiffened, the spines of others will be stiffened.'
ChadLivengood Palin is talking about work ethic & pushing one's self to better their lives. "I don't believe in coincidences," she said.
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "so much has changed in journalism (since studying it in college)"
davecatanese @SarahPalinUSA cites journalism degree: "So much has changed in the world of journalism since then...Holy Moly!"
shaneschoeller Palin - Speaking of going rogue & her days of fishing, she states they noticed "Only dead fish go w/ the flow"
ChadLivengood During her time on city council, Palin said she refused to go along with the flow of town elders. "I kind of went rogue, even back then."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "get engaged in your local level politics" amen!!!
shaneschoeller Palin - Highlighting the importance of starting in politics @ the local level & how it shaped her political views today.
redchatter Calls self mix of federalist, Jeffersonian.
davecatanese Palin says the reason she wants to keep gov't power on the local level, because she's lived it. Encourages involvement in local politics
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA talking about locals and 10th amendment principles
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "everyone is fighting a battle, mine just happen to be on the front page of the paper"
avecatanese @SarahPalinUSA calls veep nod "honor of a lifetime" she doesn't regret but outlining sacrifices she had to make.
durbinmj@SarahPalinUSA "it was interesting to see the media spin my life"
shaneschoeller Palin highlights the importance of politicians not losing their touch w/ local folks who actually put them there in the 1st place!
davecatanese Palin now on 4th mention of media, says "media isn't fond of common sense conservative values." But adds she's not whining.
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "I thought the worst skeleton in my closet was a D in macroeconomics"
davecatanese Palin also says during the campaign, "the media did spin" her lifestory into "something unrecognizable." Can't imagine why media is barred.
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "what matters is Faith, family & freedom"
ChadLivengood #Palin is recounting media gossip that didn't matter. Her oldest son Track going to war & baby boy Trig giggling. for the first time mat ...
redchatter SP: much media coverage 'waste of ink.'
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "so much has changed for me after the election"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "new partisan politics caused governing of Alaska to a halt" "I wanted to serve the people of Alaska not cost them"
ChadLivengood @SarahPalinUSA says she returned home from campaign trail to new political rivals, bringing Alaska gov't to a "grinding halt."
davecatanese Palin mounting a complete defense against attacks, lawsuits, gossip and media coverage of her during '08 campaign.
redchatter Says ethics chgs were 'game being played.'
ChadLivengood @SarahPalinUSA is getting to why she quit: "We spent about 80% of our time fending off frivilous lawsuits."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "elect politicians with a true servant's heart"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "you don't need a title to affect positive change"
davecatanese Palin says she prayed about how to stop "the hurt and paralysis" in her state. "Calling the audible has worked for my state," she says.
redchatter On resigning: God has 'so blessed that decision.'
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "my dad said she's not retiring, she's reloading"
ChadLivengood @SarahPalinUSA says she resigned "with no scandals running me out of office, despite what the media desperately wanted to find."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "we face tremendous challenges but history shows we come out stronger"
ChadLivengood Possible @SarahPalinUSA Quote of the Night: "You don't need a title to affect positive change."
redchatter Says US at crossrds in 'economic, military n values oriented battles.'
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "[WW2 vets] are Americans and we need to hear from them"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "this country was founded on free market principles but some in Washington ar questioning"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "we got here because of government interference in the first place"
davecatanese @SarahPalinUSA now turning to issues, says "misplaced government interference" caused economic crisis, "not our free-market principles."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA " when we're in a hole (financially), you stop digging"
ChadLivengoodPalin says WWII vets of the Greatest Generation don't "apologize for being Americans"-- a shot at Obama.
davecatanese @SarahPalinUSA: "Things crashed...darnit... in the midst of our campaign." "John McCain and I placed 2nd out of 2."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "oh how I wish our elected leaders would have studied at hard work university" #CofO motto
ChadLivengood @SarahPalinUSA on Obama continuing Bush's runaway spending x4: "When you're in a hole, you stop digging."
davecatanese @SarahPalinUSA says it's beyond ridiculous to complain about last administration's spending when Obama has spent 4 times more."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "don't saddle our children with debt"
ChadLivengood Palin is now throwing a little anti-gov't red meat: "This debt, to me, is generational theft."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "learn to help your neighbor and youself"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "settlers didn't need government to force them to help eachother"
ChadLivengood @SarahPalinUSA says America needs to return to its "pioneering values" ... "They are needed now more than ever."
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "I believe government was never meant to take care of us" "when it does, it ends up robbing us"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "I want Americans to learn accurate history in school"
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "I see leaders questioning our goodness" "leadership in DC feel the need to apologize"
redchatter Crisis abt nation's identity, she says.
redchatter People in upper deck openly talking during SP speech.
durbinmj @SarahPalinUSA "young students here tonight, will you answer history's call?" then cites Reagan's 'Time for Choosing' speech
davecatanese @SarahPalinUSA hits POTUS for "apologizing" to foreign countries. No mention of Obama's Afghanistan strategy.
Well, I'm not sure what to say other than it was a typical Sarah speech. Shooting off her shotgun of blame so it scatters everywhere, whining and saying she isn't, and just the pot shots at President Obama, along with calling it the "lamestream media" shows just how immature she is emotionally.
It is amazing people continue to pay to hear this. Listen to one speech, read her book and you will never need to pay to hear another word she says because it will always be a variation on the exact same things.
X-Box That Palin Signed is Back Again!

After that, it turned up on e-bay with the asking price starting at the low, low price of a cool million dollars. Well no real bids were ever offered and it was taken down from the e-bay listing and seemed to have vanished for a while.
It's Back!
The 360 which boldly bears the signature of the woman who isn't afraid to "go
rogue" has cropped up on Craigslist with a significant price reduction. The seller,
whose advertisement text matches the one from the original eBay auction exactly,
wants a mere $800 for the console which comes complete with its 60 GB hard
That's a savings of over 99%!
Wow, so the poor guy couldn't even get one of the devoted followers to give him $1,000.00 for that one of a kind XBox? Now it is in the bargin bin for the low, low, low, low, low price of $800.00!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I would just like to take this time to say that I am thankful for all the wonderful people I have in my life. My children, my family & my friends. You are what makes life enjoyable.
Today as with all days, I hope that you are enjoying the day, enjoying life, eating too much, laughing too much, smiling too much, and knowing the heartwarming feeling of the love that comes from being surrounded by those who care most about you.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sarah Shares her Knowledge with People Readers......and shows how little she really does know!
The former Alaska governor and VP candidate sat down with PEOPLE on Nov. 14 to answer some reader questions.
As a military wife, and mother of two special-needs children, I wonder what you can recommend to keep my sanity during the long deployments with two children who are very trying at times. – Erin Pruneda, Ft Campbell, Ky.
Oh, man. That just gives me goosebumps. See, these gals have it so much tougher than I did. Looking back 18,19 years ago, when Track and Bristol were tiny, and Todd would be on the slope [oil fields], there were some days I felt sorry for myself. I had nothing to whine about when I compare that situation to the military wives and husbands whose spouses are deployed. The sanity is sweat – going out for a walk or a run and taking the kids with you so that they realize that these fun physical activities are good for them, too.
Thunk! (sound of my forehead hitting the desk)
Really? This is the answer you give this woman? Really? You recommend that a parent with two special needs children take them out running with you? That was the best you could come up with? No suggestions on seeking outside resources to get help? No suggestions to find a sitter to give yourself a night off once in a while? No suggestions of groups designed to help special needs families? No suggestions to ask the family doctor for suggestions or ideas where she can get help?
Telling this woman to go running and take her special needs kids with her is the best you can do?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sarah Bans Media!
Sarah Palin really is "Going Rogue."
The media will be barred from covering Palin's Dec. 2 speech at College of the Ozarks, according to college public relations director Elizabeth Andrews.
Locking the media out from her speech in the private school's Keeter Gymnasium was part of Palin's contract, Andrews said.
Governor Sarah Palin will speak on patriotism, citizenship and civic engagement at College of the Ozarks December 2, at 7 p.m. in the Keeter Gymnasium. The prelude to the Leonard B. and Edith Gittinger Community Convocation featuring Governor Palin will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Why is Sarah so afraid of the media seeing her speech? What is she hiding? There must be something she is worried that the press or the media will report on what she is going to say, otherwise why bar them from this speech as a part of her contract?
This isn't the first time she has done this either. She did the exact same thing when she spoke in Hong Kong. She stated then that if the press was allowed she would have to change her planned speech, and you have to wonder what it is she is trying to keep people from seeing. Her last RTL speech the media was banned, but so were cellphones, recording devices etc.., and they went so far as to use metal detectors to scan people prior to entering the hall.
We know that she is a control freak, but this goes well beyond being a control freak, and it also goes beyond being worried about "the filter of the media" as she likes to say.
Is she worried that it will become widely known that when she speaks she doesn't show the same level of competence her facebook postings imply? We know she isn't writing them, but that is already common knowledge. She isn't able to articulate anything in a manner even remotely close to what her facebooks posts imply. They are simply written by others on subjects she wants to address and her name is placed on them.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sarah's Latest Run In

Once again she resorts to facebook to offer up her rant on this latest upset in her life.
The choice of photo for the cover of this week's Newsweek is unfortunate.
When it comes to Sarah Palin, this "news" magazine has relished focusing on the irrelevant rather than the relevant. The Runner's World magazine one-page profile for which this photo was taken was all about health and fitness - a subject to which I am devoted and which is critically important to this nation. The out-of-context Newsweek approach is sexist and oh-so-expected by now. If anyone can learn anything from it: it shows why you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, gender, or color of skin. The media will do anything to draw attention - even if out of context.- Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin Facebook Note Page
First of all, if the picture bothers her so much why did she pose for it? Secondly she claims that the photos she did for the "Runners World" article were about health and fitness, and yet that picture has nothing to do with running, and all about her posing. What do the two blackberries apparently surgically attached to her hand have to do with health and fitness?
What about that American Flag, so casually tossed over a chair for her to lean on, what does that have to do with running, or health or fitness? Does she think that if she doesn't have the flag right there that no one will know she is from the United States?
I also have to question her claims that the runners world interview was a "one page profile", when in fact it was 5 pages long, and had numerous photos of her posing. None of her running, or even looking like she does when she is *really* going out for a run
Like this..........

Not quite the same look she had in the magazine photos that's for sure.

Now if you feel like reading all 5 pages of the interview with her you can do so Here
Otherwise, to give you an example of some of the questions asked of her during this interview....
*So you grew up running with your siblings?
*What did your parents teach you about running?
*If the campaign had turned out differently, you would have been in Washington D.C. much of the time. Was there a part of you that was a little reluctant to leave behind the landscape of Alaska for four or eight years?
*What about in a race? Could you beat the president?
So yeah, that is really all about Health and fitness Sarah..NOT! The only one who is using sex to sell themselves is YOU and you are more than just a little obvious about it. You cry sexism at every turn, much like throwing shit against the wall, you are just hoping at some point something sticks.
Grow up Sarah and stop turning yourself into a victim at every turn and maybe you will have fewer covers asking "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Sarah?". They ask that question because never in the history of this country has there been someone so hell bent on getting famous, and ensuring that their face is EVERYWHERE, while at the same time consistantly proving that they have the intellectual capacity of a garden slug.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sarah & Fans Terrified People will read her book
OT - The Palingates web page had scanned pages from Sarah's book. I
checked a couple of books and that breaks copyright violation. If anybody knows
how to get screeenshots this needs to be sent to Sarah and Harper Collins
immediately. I can't find this site right now. I know it has ties with Celtic
Diva. Remember all sites are registered to somebody so they are responsible. If
anybody can find this Please do the screenshots. Today, 12:26:40 AM
– Flag –
Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate
Please please. Somebody that knows how to do screenshots get these This
is one of the Alaskan Crew. It is odd that somebody breaking copyright laws try
to criticeze somebody else. Today, 12:36:19 AM
– Flag – Like – Reply –
Delete – Edit – Moderate
Hot Hot Hot Celtic Diva did the
same Folks
by a couple of books I have looked at this is copyright violation. Please
somebody that can do screenshots get this to Sarah and Harper Collins ASAP.
Today, 12:41:19 AM
– Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate
Yes, it sounds like clear copyright violation. Will Sarah want to
sue those people? Maybe. Let her know. She should have that tool if she wants to
use it. (No, I haven't looked at that website, and won't.) You might be able to
create a pdf of it. Easy on a Mac by selecting print... then pdf. Today, 1:25:40
– Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate
people. I think Harper Collins not Sarah has the copyrights for this. SOunds
like it is easy on MAC. Any MAC people out there. Today, 1:46:05 AM
– Flag –
Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate
Patty Hewes
These folks
would have to deal with Harper Collins not her. Today, 1:58:17 AM JeanA
HarperCollins Phone: 212-207-7000,
12:47:40 AM–
Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate
Thanks JeanA. I just fear they will catch this and remove it from their
sites. With a screenshot from their sites they could remove but the damage is
done. Writing in their own words is one thing but I don't think it is legal to
put pages on-line. I just don't have the computer skills to do screenshots. I
have let Harper COllins know. Today, 1:05:05 AM–
Flag – Like – Reply –
Delete – Edit – Moderate
Patty Hewes
While viewing the "blog" press
the print screen key on your keyboard, Then open paint and paste it Today,
1:10:15 AM–
Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate
tried but to no avail. If we can get to Harper Collins they will likely contact
the sites if it is illegal. As I said not a copyright attorney but the front of
the books I have all say this is a no no. Today, 1:28:57 AM–
Flag – Like –
Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate–
This was the reaction to a couple of pages of Sarah's book being linked to at the blog
So what happened?
Harper Collins attorney, Christopher Goff sent an email to Palingates and demanded that the photos of the book be taken down claiming copyright priviledge!
And as an additional note, the same notice was sent to Celtic Diva's Website
As you can see, I took the pages off the site. However, the real story here is this:
--The Senior Vice President of Harper Collins,
--Sent emails to two specific blogs, one little blog based in Alaska, another based overseas,
--ignoring the multiple other outlets (many of which were larger or were "Palin-positive") that have pages or "extensive excerpts" from her book on the site.
They didn't do this on their own. Palin picked the ones she wanted them to email. Perhaps not-so-coincidentally, my posts in question leaned towards fact-checking/lie-refuting than some of the others that were more for entertainment.
In other words, this was Palin-flattery!
I was once asked if, God forbid, Palin ever did become President, what would her first act be? I stated that she would gather up the considerable resources available to a U.S. President and use go after her "enemies" in Alaska and the media.
I rest my case.
And in light of all this, the question I have for Mr. Goss and HarperCollins: HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE PALIN'S BITCH?
Harper Collins Emails Celtic Diva's Blue Oasis
Now as you can imagine this has done far more to bring attention to these sites than it has to diminish viewership. Wonkette & Andrew Sullivan have both linked to Palingates which is bringing in tremendous amounts of hits to that blog.
So what is Sarah Palin, her fans & Harper Collins worried about? That people will read the lies she told in a couple of pages and won't want the book anymore? Or are they just worried that these lies will be exposed before Sarah has a chance to "explain her lies" during her interviews with Oprah & Barbara Walters? If anything they should be thrilled with the publicity, instead they are demanding removal of the offending material.
Oddly enough though they are only going after a select few bloggers, in fact only those bloggers that the Conservative4Palin fans cried about.
Yes folks, Sarah's fans are such huge crybabies that they complained to Sarah and Harper Collins for posting Sarah's own words! These same people who cry that Sarah is not given a fair shake are complaining when her words are shown in full. If excerpts were offered, no doubt they would cry that the excerpts were a false representation of what was said, something was taken out of context, so it seems that nohing makes them happy, unless you simply prostrate yourself before Sarah and worship on the ground she walks upon.
In other news, we've seen a few comments around the blogosphere that RAM aka Rebecca A. Mansour has been seen in Wasilla lately and is going to be working at the Palin compound once it is up and running.
You remember her don't you? She is one of the founding members of Conservatives4Palin, and is also the one who denied having an direct connection to Sarah Palin previously, and Meg Stapleton on behalf of Sarah Palin denied having any affiliation with Conservatives4Palin as well. Odd how it worked out that RAM ended up leaving her home in California for Alaska and is now in the employ of Sarah Palin.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sarah Palin Book Full of Lies & Campaign Emails Prove it!
The Huffington Post has obtained internal McCain campaign emails -- addressed to
and by the former vice presidential candidate -- that directly contradict or
cast serious doubt on several of Palin's assertions. The emails were passed
along by a mid-level staffer who called early excerpts of "Going Rogue", a
serious mixing of truth and imagination."
On the condition that it could
be quoted but not re-published, the McCain staffer also provided the email that
Schmidt sent to Palin and her staff after she was prank called by someone
pretending to be French President Nicolas Sarkozy
"Who set this up? Are
you kidding me? Did it occur to anyone that the french president wouldn't be
looking to have a conversation with the vicepresidential candidate 3 days before
the election," Schmidt writes. "From this moment forward, no interview occurs
without my direct signoff. Nothing. I want to know the exact details of this. I
want to know who is responsible."
In "Going Rogue", the anecdote is
painted in a drastically different setting and context. For starters, Palin
writes that Schmidt called her, something that two McCain aides (including the
one who provided the email) insist never happened. "He never called screaming at
her," said one of the aides, who was traveling with Palin at the time. "There
was no phone call."
Moreover, in Going Rogue, Palin recalls Schmidt
screaming directly at her, so much so that it "blew my hair back." In actuality,
the irritation was directed at the staffers, the aide said. "He was expressing
his anger to staff. And did it over email."
Finnally, the McCain aide
sends over a third email that shows a late-in-the-campaign Palin grateful for
the work done by Schmidt and others and cognizant of her "blundered-up" media
appearances. The occasion was a sit-down interview that the vice presidential
candidate had done with ABC's Elizabeth Vargas on October 29, in which it was
reported (widely out of context) that Palin was already thinking about running
for president in 2012.
"I am very sorry," Palin writes to Nicolle
Wallace, Steve Schmidt, and Rick Davis, with her husband, Todd, cc:ed. "u guys
are working double-triple time on this blundered-up stuff that they spin bc of
my visits w press - while I apologize I say I love you guys!!!"
Emails prove Sarah can't tell the truth
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Palin Fans React To Released Clips From Oprah & Excerpts From Palin's Book
Well, in the last 24 hours, clips from the Oprah interview have been released, teasers if you will, but it also being reported that someone from AP (Associated Press) has gotten ahold of a copy of her book and is sharing some of the information from the book.
So far, what we have learned is that the book is 400+ pages long, with only 5 chapters, and has a 16 page insert of color photos (no mention of what those pictures might be of), and that the book has no index. We've also learned that Sarah is using her book to do exactly what a great many people expected her to do. Retaliate against those she feel have wronged her, and to cry victim all over again.
The good thing about this book is that it has been printed. She can't go back and change it now. She can't try and say that she was misquoted, taken out of context, or edited to make her look bad. This is HER book. These are the words she has put her name on (for a price of course), and will have to stand by these words.
For that reason alone I am looking forward to the fall out that comes with the full release of this book.
So, in one of the two clips released by Oprah from the interview, Oprah asks about the Katie Couric interview. Sarah admits it was bad. She says she knew right away it was bad, but that the McCain campaign staffers told her it was good, and that she was showing the world her true self and it was what the people wanted to see.
She also speaks of Levi Johnston:
via The Insider
H/T to Bree Palin for the video location.
Now, as to the excerpts from the book. Well, it really is nothing more than what most people who are realistic about Sarah figured it to be. A childish and petty attempt to lash out at those people who she feels "done her wrong". According to the AP who obtained a copy of the book, these are some of the comments.
She describes Couric as condescending, biased and "badgering." She contends the anchor chose "gotcha" moments while leaving the candidate's more substantive remarks on the cutting room floor.
Palin takes another dig at Couric while asserting her expertise on energy matters. She writes that she was shocked Couric had asked her which newspapers and magazines she read; given what she called Couric's lack of knowledge about energy issues, Palin wondered whether she should have asked the news anchor what she read.
AP talks about the Palin Book
Is anyone really surprised that this would be the claims made by Sarah? After all, she has proven she has that "mean girl" streak in her. Remember her interview with John Zeigler? When she was discussing Katie Couric, her comment was "Because you aren't the center of the universe Katie". It also goes to show her lack of decorum, and her inability to control her temper when dealing with issues that she doesn't like or that bother her. That is not what should be considered "bonus points" for a politician.
So how are the fans reacting?
Oh-oh; Nicole Wallace is going to get it from both sides. If true, this is what Palin writes about Wallace, Couric and her:
"She writes at length about Couric. She says that the idea to meet with Couric came from McCain campaign aide Nicolle Wallace, who told Palin that Couric - also a working mother - liked and admired her. It would be a favor to Couric, too, whom Palin notes had the lowest ratings of the network anchors. Wallace said Couric suffered from low self-esteem. And Palin replied that she almost began to "feel sorry" for Couric."
More at link:
Today, 5:26:26 PM
poor Nicolle! :(
Today, 5:27:56
I love the dig Palin got in about Couric's low ratings. :)
Today, 5:29:02 Liked by Bestbud
What about the "low self-esteem? OUCH
Today, 5:55:30 Liked by yogi41 Mia
ooooooooops....Katie Cougar and Nickie...get BUSTED!!!...hehehe..
Today, 5:29:11 Liked by Bestbud
After watching the clips.... Can't wait to see the whole thing... hear the laughter...self deprecating humor of which she is so good at.
A more confident women... is there one?
Certainly not a liberal, so called, feminist otherwise she would be stiff, cold and corps like.... Geez! a mannequin is preferable to their uppity-up-pence!
Jealousy has got to be a big factor for liberal women... maybe even more so with conservatives and independent women than we(ME) thinks.
What do the barbarian babes of C4P think?... I mean I know you gals love her, but why does Sarah not get better reviews from women in general?
Today, 5:34:18
Can you say GREEN???? Woman are so jealous of her. They look at her and would give anything to look that good and do the things she does and they feel so jealous. They have no reason to hate her she has done nothing to them. You might disagree with her political postions but get with it women...seprate the two things...don't be so small.
Today, 6:08:38
I knew it was Nicole Wallace from day 1..I knew that woman was up to no good. She was a romneybot who loved Romney and wanted to destroy the McCain campaign. McCain was such a dummy that he hired her, knowing she loved Romney. Good God the McCain campaign will go down in history as the most horrendous campaign ever run. Blind squirrels could have done a better job
Today, 5:37:46 Liked by AndreaB
It drives me nuts when Hannity has Wallace on his show.
Nicole Wallace=Weasel
Today, 5:56:51
She looks wonderful and I cannot believe that the McCain campaign made her pay for her own vetting. That is beyond belief and that lowers my opinon of McCain into the minus 0 category. Beyond belief; never heard of such a thing. Pathetic.
Today, 5:39:53
Look who is in Alaska right now, that schmuck Obama..I wonder if he is gonna mention anything about Sarah..yeah like Obama really gives a rats behind about Alaska
Today, 5:41:10
Nope, and he even forgot Mark Begich's name until the T scrolled up and gave it to him.
Phew! Fox just left him ...
Today, 5:46:13
At least Begich showed up. The governor couldn't make the 5 mile trip.
Today, 6:22:24
Do you mean Sean Parnell? How do you know, pray tell, that Obama invited him?
If you mean Sarah Palin, how, pray tell, do you know if she's in AK?
That was not one of you more reasonable troll comments ...
Today, 6:44:45
I'm referring to Mr. Parnell. He was invited but had a luncheon meeting with contractors. It is traditional that when the President visits a state that the governor greets him. This was President Obama's first visit to Alaska.
Today, 6:50:08
Look, ya silly concern Trooooollllllll, first, his name/title is GOVERNOR Parnell and second, the Obomination is not "visiting" our great state but stopping in just to refuel so he can continue on to Asia to apologise for America some more and beg for more loans. Also, how do you know about this luncheon with contractors? Are you (the granny from Oregon) one of them? Are you simply STALKING Governor Parnell? Or are you being fed mis-information from one of those sociopathic Alaskan ankle-biter/Bloggers? Whatever the case, I would rather MY GOVERNOR was at a luncheon attending to the business of MY STATE than anywhere near that Obomination masquuerading as my President.
Today, 9:11:13
Does anyone know how long ago this trip with "The One" was planned?? Is something important going on in Asia??? Do you think it was to get out of the USA while Sarah is having the spot light?? If he stayed in the US he might get bad press while she is getting good press and the only way for him to get good press is to go overseas.
Today, 6:10:44
NObama is so afraid of Sarah, he won't even say her name!
Think about it--he's never dignified her by saying her name one time and it's been over a year!
Today, 6:49:23
I think it is safe to say that Katie is still suffering from low self-esteem.
Based on her ratings.
Today, 5:42:05 Liked by riley4palin cookboy
Bill in Baltimore
Well, I think the teasers (Catie Kouric and Levi) tell what Oprah is up to. Wonder if they talk about how a hockey mom went from town council to mayor to exposing corruption, taking on an incumbent governor of her own party and beating him, getting the natural gas pipeline deal, you know - stuff like that.
Sarah = beautiful
Oprah = not so much
Today, 5:43:05
Ain't gonna happen. O's audiences likes the "fluff" pieces.
The more serious stuff will come up probably starting with Baba Walters and then onto the FOXNEWS interviews.
Today, 5:58:16
Bill in Baltimore
I'm not talking about policy debates, I'm talking about a woman who juggled home and work and is beautiful. That's fluff ?
Today, 8:16:00
Pay-up.... Johnny Mac!!!...Be A MAN!!!!
Today, 5:43:35 Liked by Beehive
No wonder McCain is worried about this book. Even if she doesn't smack him (which she won't because she is loyal) this is making him look really bad. What do they say about the company you keep. And this is worse he picked these goons.
Today, 5:50:13
Beehive...I'm so PO'd...if this is true...If Mac did this...He is a worthless human being...UGH!!!!
Today, 6:11:53
Let me just say as a woman (sorry men), doesn't this Nicole and Couric "dish" beat the hell out of:
1) A really good piece of chocolate
2) A hot bubble bath
3) A sappy Sandra Bullock movie
4) A day of shopping
Man oh' Man.....Governor Palin is the best.
Thank you Governor for propping up the Obama Administration. At least your book sales will keep the economy from the abyss for awhile.
Today, 5:43:53 Liked by Whitney Bill in Baltimore
It's unbelievable that Palin would be expected to cover the cost of her own vetting. Something has to be wrong about that statement. Isn't that something the campaign did BEFORE McCain picked her? That has to be one of the costs a campaign covers. Did the other possible candidates for VP get billed for their vetting? I'm beyond confused.
Today, 5:45:19
There's this embarassing press conference at Elmendorf, by Obama, going on right now. No way can servicemen be that enthusiastic about him, after the Afghanistan & BMD decisions
Today, 5:46:23
Money Maven
I am also shocked that Gov Palin waa left to pay that huge 500K VP vetting bill. The way the MSM attacked this woman from her hair to her thiness after the election not knowing how she would pay off her bills.
Palin was not a rich woman when she was chosen to be VP. I bet she and Todd spent many days living frugally to feed their kids and pay bills. I have even more respect for her.
Today, 5:48:58
So, basically this was a "pity interview", by Governor Palin.
Today, 5:49:41
Isn't it Nicole Wallace that's been on Hannity's Great American Panel so many times?... He has got to hammer her... if so!
Today, 5:50:00
Yes, for some reason Hannity finds it necessary to have Nicole Wallace on his show every week or two.
I'm not sure Hannity has it in him to take her on point by point. He really should call in re-inforcements and get Coulter on with Wallace. LMAO
Today, 5:57:07
Oh!... Coulter in Wallace would be great... Wallace surely will have to answer Sarah's comments... might be interesting
Today, 6:10:40
LOL, Nancy, and it still didn't work for Katie, Redstone is just about burning cash, in order to keep her in the contract
Today, 5:55:03
Yeah, I expect Oprah to have the highest ratings ever much like SNL did when Palin was on last year.
Today, 5:59:22 Liked byNancy
I hope she goes back on SNL.
Today, 6:17:57
I looove it!....."low self esteem"....:-)
Today, 5:59:58
Nicole Wallace has quit her job as a Republican strategist and will be a contestant on the next "Survivor".
Good luck with her Probst. She is a piece of work. I say feed her the Monkey liver and Fish intestines on the third day if she makes it out of Tribal Council alive.
Today, 6:04:30 PM
Bill in Baltimore
Oprah, always the optimist.
She asks Sarah if she'll invite Levi over for Thanksgiving. Always put Sarah on the spot, never would it dawn on Oprah that Levi has shown no clue about anything decent ? Did Oprah bring out the dirt on Levi ? I'm betting "no"
Today, 6:07:50 PM
Some boob at FOX just put a picture of the cover of "Going Rouge" up when Bret Baier was talking about Sarah's book tour instead of her book, "Going Rogue". How dumb is that!
Today, 6:28:54
Is anyone watching Fox news? I give up on Brett Baier. He just did a piece on her book tour and HE HAD A COVER UP OF GOING ROUGE, the hit piece book!
I'm convinced that since Fox's meeting with the WH, they have decided to go the MSM route to be considered a "real news network." So disappointing ...
Today, 6:29:21
Wow, that is another mistake they did. Someone needs to get fired. On Hannity's show, instead of showing the crowd for Bachman's rally, the showed 9/12. John Stewart called Fox out on it; and Hannity was good enough to apologize; but someone seems to be messing crap up on purpose......
Today, 6:31:56 PM
WaPo has the AP article up, says '1/10 of the $500,000 tab' was for McCain only stuck her for 50 grand, not $500K.
Today, 6:29:55 PM
Wow you guys HAVE to see hardball. The male author of the recent Sarah book already saying that an anonymous mccain staffer alread said Sarah lied about the 50 K
Today, 7:20:37
Good thing Sarah names names and not anonymous. THe person that told her that will have to answer.
Today, 7:25:35
oh brother.
Today, 7:33:17
here we go with the anonymous crap again. These idiost in the McCain campaign have NO Balls, if they did, they would name themselves
Today, 7:34:43
Another anonymous mccain staffer? Sheesh!
If I understand this, it seems to me that all Sarah has to do is produce an invoice or a canceled check and the case is closed.
Today, 7:38:35
Jack White
That should be easy to disprove. I'm willing to bet that Sarah saves her bills. Why would an anonymous lie about something that she can easily prove with paper work?
Stooopid anonymous dummy.
Today, 7:44:51 PM
I just replayed the clip and the little dweebs actual words were "a senior mccain official"said the accusations were untrue.
Phrases synonymous with "senior mccain official"
a)lying scum weasel b) back stabber c) community organizer
Today, 7:46:27 PM
the basic gist of the odonnel/matthews meme was that Sarah's book is more interested in getting payback against mccain staffers, couric and gibsonas opposed to putting across policy decisions that would lead to a presidential bid.
No sooner had Sarah said she wouldn't mind having levi over for thanksgiving when norah "bitter" odonnel jumped in mid clip and said what Sarah was saying wasnt true. Instead that Sarah "loved drama" and had done everything to call him a loser and "smash" him.
The segment is right at the beginning of Hardball if you wish to opine.
Today, 7:52:36 PM
So those are a sampling of the reactions BEFORE they find out that the AP was incorrect on the vetting cost. It was originally reported that Sarah Palin was claiming $500,000.00 was charged to her by the McCain campaign for her vetting, when in reality Palin claims that the McCain campaign charged her $50,000.00. The correction was made, and also reported is that
“I can confirm that she was not billed for any vetting costs by the campaign,” said Trevor Potter, the campaign’s general counsel. “I do not know if she was billed by her own lawyer for his assistance to her in the vetting process, but from the excerpt that has been read to me by the AP, it sounds as if that is what she is describing.”
So what is the response after they find out this information?
And she says that most of her legal bills were generated defending what she called frivolous ethics complaints, but she reveals that about $500,000 was a bill she received to pay for the McCain campaign vetting her for the VP nod.
She said when she asked the McCain campaign if it would help her financially, she was told McCain's camp would have paid all the bills if he'd won; since he lost, the vetting legal bills were her responsibility.
Oh. My. God.
Today, 6:54:27 PM
ITS ON!!!!
Today, 7:03:21
Well, I hope Guest is right. $500,000 alone for vetting seems way out of line. But even if it's $50K that still should have been paid by the McCain campaign. They really did treat her badly. Looks like pay-back time is right around the corner. Finally.
Today, 7:03:59 PM
I can see Couric slidding down from her chair. LOL! But she'll come back with revenge. She has friends in the media who will do anything to get back at Palin.
Today, 9:28:54 PM
The $500,000 vetting bill is OUTRAGEOUS!
First of all, NO VP candidate should ever have to pay for the vetting bill because their team lost, regardless of what party you're in and the financial status of the individual.
Second, they asked her to pay the vetting bill after the MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of dollars SHE helped raised when she joined the ticket?
My question is, did John McCain know about this, or was this the ploy of her enemies within the campaign to stick it to her? I can't imagine this is normal practice for any campaign. And if McCain was not aware of this, did Sarah talk to him about it?
We still have to read the book to find out what really happened. The article only mentioned a small part of the story but provided no resolution to the story. Maybe it was all resolved in the end. I certainly hope so, otherwise it would look REALLY REALLY BAD for McCain and the entire campaign operation.
Today, 7:07:49
She shouldn't even have to pay $5 for the vetting bill, let alone $5,000, $50,000 or $500,000.
Today, 7:13:58
Whether she had to pay the full "vetting" bill or even a portion, I can't imagine why she would turn around and give PAC $ to McLame. Something doesn't make sense here.
So glad she mentions Nicolle Wallace by name. Every time I see her on Hannity I flip the channel.
Okra seemed rather flat in her post-show interview. Couldn't tell whether she was just depressed, tired or dissatisfied that she couldn't have achieved a different result for Princess Barry.
Today, 7:18:19 PM
Stiffed for the 500k vetting bill??? WTF???? Is McLame that much of a Scrooge??? Sheeesh!!!!
Today, 7:22:04
There are two different ways to see this Katie Couric interview.
When Governor Palin said she knew it wasn't going well, she is saying that Katie Couric was out for gotcha answers, and not giving up a line of questioning when Governor Palin had already answered the question every which way but Sunday. Governor Palin saw right through Katie's biased journalism. That is why she didn't see the need to go back for the 3rd, 4th and 5th segments. And her instincts were clearly right, when it was reported later that Katie Couric bad prepped for the interview with one of Obama's former advisors.
What people think she is meaning is, that she knew it wasn't going well from how she was coming off to the audience, perspective. Which, there was probably some of that in her thinkinng as well, because she was getting frustrated and annoyed with the attitude that Katie was displaying to her, but that the audience would not see.
Couple all that with the editing job CBS did, and it was a pure Obama loving, liberal smear job by Katie and CBS Evening News.
Today, 7:27:19
I don't think Governor Palin thought she had necessarily given poor answers, but maybe she felt that the environment of the interview was frustrating her to the point, where she was delivering her answers poorly.
Today, 7:32:51 PM
Recovering Democrat
I'm a journalist, and one my personal rules is I don't set out to make my interview subjects LOOK bad. The first thing I learned about interviewing in journalism school was to build rapport. Granted, I'm more a a feature writer and I now do business journalism, but even in political reporting, your goal should not to make someone look bad. Your goal is to help your audience gain understanding that would help them make a decision. What Katie and Charlie did was pursue lines of questioning that far-left LIBERAL audience members would find important - but they did not ask Sarah anything about her ACTUAL record in Alaska, that might have showed her as a pragmatic leader with a reputation for working with Democrats to achieve meaningful reform in her state.
Furthermore, they did not ask the kind of rapport-building questions that they had asked Obama and Biden. I think that's what Sarah was really saying: Katie and I didn't hit it off. There was no rapport. That's what she meant by "bad interview." And shame on the McCain people for being so obtuse.
Today, 7:55:37
I think Katie tried to get to know her by asking her what she reads, but at the same time Katie also badgered her with the abortion issue (trying to get into a debate) beforehand. In "Sarah From Alaska," it was said that Palin thought the interview didn't go well, but the staffers said it wasn't so bad, so to go out there again, which she didn't want to, but they told her she had to or all is doomed or something. They didn't mind the Gibson interview. They thought that was ok, so that was why the Katie Couric interview was set up.
Today, 9:32:42
Whether it's $50,000 or $500,000, Palin should not have to pay a single cent. No wonder McCain didn't look too happy when he was asked about the book.
Today, 7:27:42 PM– Flag – Like – Reply – Delete – Edit – Moderate jimr3
I see other news organizations reporting $50,000. But your right, the campaign should have paid the bill if election law would allow for it.
By the way, a senior McCain campaign official disputes the claim (any bets that it's Steve Schmidt?).
Today, 8:08:51
I guessing that is the Troopergate part where they tried to help her clear her name.
Today, 9:33:54 PM
Re: McCain bill:
Who did the lawyers represent?
Does this violate legal ethics?
Was there notice to all potential VPs?
Was there a contract?
Is this a violation of McCain-Feingold?
Is not charging for it a violation?
Did McCain commit, or induce Sarah to commit, a crime? (pay to play)
I am outraged.
Today, 7:42:14
I don't get the anonymous source explanation. The story went from Sarah saying the McCain campaign charged her for her own vetting by the campaign to the anonymous source saying Sarah tried to charge the McCain campaign for her troopergate investigation. This does not make any sense to me. Guess we will have to read the book to find out what she really said. Since we know the press makes up stories, there is no other choice.
Today, 8:22:16
I remembered at one point (I don't know where I read or heard this), but that she thought the McCain campaign would pay for part of the Troopergate investigation to clear her name since this was a political move by the Democratic operatives. She thought that the McCain camp would use its funds to fight false allegations, etc because it was part of the dirty politics in the election.
I guess we'll have to wait for the book to find out what she meant.
Today, 9:53:41 PM
Bill in Baltimore
Notice how O tried to "paint" Sarah ?
She asked Sarah if the Kouric interview was a "seminal, defining moment [in her life] "
- wtf ?
Sarah: "yes, O, I definitely think that dumb interview defined me. And now, I'm about to define to you how I got the nickname "Barracuda"
Today, 8:54:55
I didn't like that part of Oprah's question. To be honest, I didn't even like Sarah's answer to that question much. Maybe I'm just sick of Katie Couric. I wish they would stop talking about her.
Today, 9:12:07
To the Democrats the Katie Couric moment was a defining moment in Palin's downfall. I was still an Obama supporter (though not a big one) at that time. I remembered this was the leading story after the SNL imitation and that led up to the VP debate where the Democrats were waiting for Sarah to slip up. It was like watching the Super Bowl. I remembered feeling really bad for her at this point. The VP debate was the defining moment for me in converting to Palinism.
Today, 9:58:31
It confirms what I suspected. Nicolle Wallace betrayed Sarah by getting her guard down before an interview that she knew her friend Katie was going to use to ambush Sarah. Why? Because she and Schmidt and probably others had already thrown in the towel on the campaign since it was probably after the economic meltdown. She betrayed the woman she was entrusted to.
F**k Wallace and Schmidt forever.
Today, 9:09:33
I think what happened there was that Nicole Wallace and Katie Couric are friends, so Nicole did that as a favor to Katie not knowing that Katie would ambush Sarah. I doubt Nicole would want to spoil McCain's chance of winning. But that was indeed nasty of Nicole to think Katie Couric would be friendly towards Sarah. Nicole had told Sarah that Katie Couric needed a ratings boost and that Katie admires Sarah, so Sarah being Sarah went out and helped not knowing that Katie Couric is in fact a witch in disguise. That was very wrong of Nicole.
Today, 10:02:35
Schmidt is indeed a piece of tard.
Today, 10:07:00
That is wrong for the palin's to have to pay. I saw the $500,000 and knew it was a typo or the total amount of all legal bills. Yet,let's think. 50,000 is what percentage of the Palin's income in a year? Sarah made $125,000, Todd made what maybe 85,000 total fishing and Slope job. WOW. That has to be nerve racking. Add on the frivolous ethics charges cost and I imagine Sarah was afraid she was going to lose her house, literally.
Brilliant to step down.
Today, 9:36:47 PM
So let's assess.
The McCain campaign says that Sarah Palin was NEVER CHARGED for the vetting of her, and that she may be talking about money she was charged by her own lawyer for his help to her, and yet the Palin fans are upset about her possibly having to pay that money? So they think, like Palin if reports are accurate, that the McCain campaign should pay her attorney for work he did for her? Really?
But then, what's this?
As you probably have heard, the AP snagged a copy of my memoir, Going Rogue, before its Tuesday release. And as is expected, the AP and a number of subsequent media outlets are erroneously reporting the contents of the book. Keep your powder dry, read the book, and enjoy it! Lots of great stories about my family, Alaska, and the incredible honor it was to run alongside Senator John McCain.
We can't wait to hit the road and meet so many on the book tour! See you in Michigan first...
- Sarah Palin
Uh oh, Sarah Palin is angry and you won't like her when she's angry! Nor her fans either. Here is the post made on the Conservatives For Palin website regarding this comment.
Friday, November 13, 2009
We Won't Just Keep Our Powder Dry - We'll Fight!
By the Editors
The Governor just posted this to her Facebook page:
As you probably have heard, the AP snagged a copy of my memoir, Going Rogue, before its Tuesday release. And as is expected, the AP and a number of subsequent media outlets are erroneously reporting the contents of the book. Keep your powder dry, read the book, and enjoy it! Lots of great stories about my family, Alaska, and the incredible honor it was to run alongside Senator John McCain.
We can’t wait to hit the road and meet so many on the book tour! See you in Michigan first...
- Sarah Palin
Basically, the AP just pulled a Pearl Harbor-like sneak attack on the Governor. They bought a copy of her book illegally on the black market. You may recall that the AP hates Sarah Palin. You may also recall that she called them out and called their actions evil when they posted the death photos of a young Marine in Afghanistan. She wrote:
Shame on the AP for purposely adding to the grieving family’s pain. Ignoring the family’s wishes by publishing a sacred image of their loved one proved a despicable and heartless act by the AP. The family said they didn’t want the photo published. AP, you did it anyway, and you know it was an evil thing to do.
She didn’t care about how that might effect the way that the AP covers her in the future. She called it like she saw it because she loves and respects the men and women in uniform. Do you think Huck or Mitt or any of the other gutless wonders in the GOP would call out the AP like that?
So, the AP found the perfect way to wreck her book roll out and stick it to her. They can print whatever they want and she can’t respond because of the “embargo” that was negotiated for who gets first dibs on interviews.
I’m sure she never thought that a sneak copy would get into the hands of people who hate her. They’re obviously lying about her book. You’ll notice that AP is careful not to quote anything from the book. Instead they just “frame” the narrative by writing, “the book includes... blah, blah, blah.” And, of course, it “includes” exactly the narrative according the AP’s view of Governor Palin.
This is golden for them. They are hoping to tell her story before she can tell it herself. They are hoping to define her before she can define herself. They can lie about her, and she can’t call them liars – at least not for a week until she is free of the embargo. And one week is a very, very long time in the new internet media age.
This is like the first week of September 2008 all over again. You remember that week – that was when the geniuses of the McCain campaign rolled out Governor Palin in Dayton, OH, and then hid her away and allowed the media to destroy her for days without any pushback or countering of all the lies being spread.
But there is one difference between September 2008 and now. She has an army of supporters now. We know the truth. We know who she is. If you’re wondering about that vetting bill story from yesterday, ask yourselves this – When has the McCain campaign ever behaved honorably or honestly with regards to Sarah Palin? When? Who are you going to believe?
So what can we ordinary barbarians do? We can fight back. We can rally around her.
Write letters to every newspaper that carries the AP stories. Remind them that the AP pulled a cowardly Pearl Harbor sneak attack on her. Remind them that Sarah Palin called out the AP when they posted the photos of a fallen Marine after his family begged them not to. Remind them that Sarah Palin has a right to have her memoir read by people without having the AP falsely frame her words.
Remember the words of Whittaker Chambers: too often conservatives, like cowards, leave their wounded on the battlefield. We won’t do that with her.
The motto of Conservatives4Palin is “We’ve got your back, Guv!” And we always have.
She can’t speak for herself now because of this “embargo.” So we’ll speak for her.
We won’t leave her on the battlefield. We’ll carry her.
Update: The AP admits to illegally obtaining the book:
AP, however, stands by its story. "We've read the book; we've read it carefully — and we stand by our reporting," Paul Colford, AP director of media relations, said Friday.
People who steal also lie.
Standing UP for their Woman & Keeping theirs and her powder dry
Of course like Sarah, Palin fans don't hesitate to "make things up", as the AP does not admit to illegally obtaining the book. They state that they bought the book. Now we know that some people were sent out books before the release of the book in order to preview it, such as Oprah & Barbara Walters, and I am sure that there were many others who got the book before it was released for sale. Now I doubt highly that these people were made to sign agreements to not give away or even sell their advance copies of the book. But no doubt that isn't the way the Palin fans see it.
How do they react to this affront to Sarah?
This is going to get really interesting. Are we about to bust the AP's chops for blatant bias yet again?
Next week all will be clearer
Please help to post lists and contact information of all organizations, news outlets, newspapers. blogs, etc that run with the AP lies. An important battle in the revolution of reclaiming America has begun. Let's make the public response to Letterman look like a tiptoe through the tulips.
Let's make all these leftist haters learn a valuable lesson for the future. Broadcasting LIES will have consequences.......revolutionary consequences. Busy, busy, busy.....our work is never done. Type...type...type
(What about the consequences when Sarah lies?)
Drudge quotes Rogue, he doesn't make stuff up.
Drudge is the real reporter. AP is the real Fake Reporter.
What a world!
I can't believe these bastards, they include Levi's mumblings because she didn't mention him. Schmidt does prove to be more of a weasel then we first thought, maybe McCain had the post
partum depression, that was the way he behaved.
Recovering Democrat
I think it's hilarious (if true) that she didn't include anything about Levi. Punk doesn't deserve the ink! And it works on two levels:
1. Sarah has more class than to publicly trash the father of her beloved grandson
2. It might make sane people conclude that she has some dirt on Levi, not the other way around, and that she is, indeed, keeping her powder dry. ha!
I've already seen some liberals saying that she did not trash Levi in the book because he has the goods on her and she did not want to provoke him into exposing the dirt.
Total crap.
Barbarian Foot Soldiers...To the Front Lines...
WE will Always Carry her...
If someone (in this case AP) does something illegal doesn't that mean that they pay a fine....or even go to jail? Just like Pelosi healthcare will do to those who do not have health insurance.
To be fair, we don't know if AP "stole" the book. No one is accusing Drudge of "stealing" it, right? Other than that AP sucks!
AP might have finally stubbed its own toe. In the past, they got away with making things up and never retracting, or putting the retractions on page 97 where nobody noticed. This time, Sarah's entire book will not be shoved to page 97. It will be a bestseller and millions will read the truth. The book is so attention grabbing right now that every page will be read and dissected. It's going to be impossible to "make things up" about what's in the book.
The truth will finally win out, and the whole world will notice AP's credibility going down the toilet
I LOVE what Sarah is doing. One by one the media will see her for who she REALLY is instead of the person they wanted to make people believe she was. She is going to show everyone the REAL Sarah. It's already started. Barbara Walters of all people saying what a terrific interview she just had. I bet now she regrets treating Sarah like crap. Barbara wasn't really a bater, but she did actually believe that Sarah said that she could see russia from her house when she NEVER said that. One by one she will gain back supporters, people who are moderate or people who have no opinion of her are gonna look at her and realize that she is smart, that she is not who the media said she was. The hard lefties, forget about them, they are too far gone to be saved, but everyone else, just watch, she will bring in lots of new supporters
Sarah just smacked Obama again..Read it on her facebook page..she is PISSED
And her facebook fans? Well they feel the same.
Mark Hill
typical of the media...the truth is, they cant stand it is a best seller and not even for sale yet...the hope this thwarts sales but hate to tell them, it wont, if anything it will sell even better...the great thing about the left is they never figure it out, the dumb get dumber.
Lynda Webster
A dems only defense tactic is slander. I'll give them credit for at least knowing they can't fight what's right and the facts.
Since they have no morals, they don't see themselves as doing anything wrong, just Replublicans.
John Joseph McEnery
I guarantee they already had a bad review written up before they even got their hands on your book. They pulled that with Glenn Beck's Comedy Tour this past Summer
Barbara Nesselrotte
We do not believe the media. We believe you. Don't let the dogs in. They don't have the stand up for what is right.
Anne Britton Raab
What do you expect from the News Media?? The truth?? Don't worry... we can decipher the truth from their lies!!
Bruce O. Axtell
You are more and more our Ester, God Bless You, Sara
Michael Tierney
Read it?...I'm going to memorize it! Please don't quit, we need you!
Hank McKeithan
We will keep our powder dry, our tomahawks sharp, and be vigilant. We have high respect for your views and low or no respect for the government-bought press and media that continue to attack your character and family. God Bless you and keep you.
Craig Sayre
I don't like the implications of the title of this message. It sounds vaguely threatening - like there is about to be a war or something. She's starting to sound like Pat Buchanan with his silly "Buchanan Brigades".
(I wonder how long before this post is deleted?)
Brenda M Ross
After Charles Gibson attacked you and your religion I have been boycotting ABC, CBS, NBC, and many other lying news medias. I even wrote FCC about the attack on religion made by Gibson and of course was told he had rights too. Bah humbug the news medias have violated my rights daily ever since but does any gov't official protect me, NO.
Eugene Schreiber
Sarah you have to file law suits against these people in court. Start with the Huffington Post and Letterman. Sue them for billions and shut them down. Fight back and do not take this treatment, please
Karla Gehlen
At long last, a book written by a truly intelligent woman, and an outstanding human being!! I cannot wait to read it to my daughter
(Wouldn't that be considered child abuse?)
Gary L. Farmer
Roger, Keep the powder dry and the aim true!
As a retired US Navy aviator (flew a lot of missions out of Alaska also) keep on hammering the liberals and their blatant socialist agendas. The core values of our country must be maintained and these incompetents and their lemmings need to disappear from public office at all levels.
Cathy Cormany
Will be at Walmart (or Costco) when they open, to grab my copy--and 'trash' the fake 'Going Rouge' wherever I find it.
Remember, Sarah's has the Facebook photo, the other is a
slam job done by MoveOn or some such crapshack. Make no mistake, when they slam her, it's US they are spitting at. Hard working, military supporting, flag flying, Christmas celebrating non-whining Americans. Pls come to So Cal. Sarah! Not all of us are fruits and nuts out here!
(Now there is the fans of Sarahs that we have come to know and love..willing to break the law for Sarah)
Okay enough of that. Lets just say you have now gotten a pretty good idea on how her fans are reacting to this situation. They refuse to accept that the AP is telling the truth about what is in the book, even though there is no reason to lie since the book will be out shortly anyhow. We know without question that Sarah is willing to lie, about anything and everything, and we know this because it has been proven time and again.
She lied about the Bridge to Nowhere, she lied about the Pipeline, She lied about the ethics complaints, she lied about Troopergate, she even lied on Oprah about not liking drama when she obviously feeds on it, she even lied to her fans about her "tweeting", since she never did start tweeting to them, in 10 days time, after she left office, and has even just blown off the twitter account she used to have, and started up a new one just for her book tour, when it is widely known that she could have simply kept the same account, changed her name and kept those same followers. These are but a few examples of the lies she tells, which are easily documented for all to see.
Her dedicated fans are those who cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be talked to and hope for a rational response because no matter what you say, how much proof you offer them, they will believe whatever Sarah tells them, without question. She could tell them that their own child was switched at birth and they would no doubt accept is as fact. These people are that dedicated to her. It is like a cult. Dangerous, and exceptionally amusing to watch at times, but sad that these are people who have decided to buy into the lie that is Sarah Palin.